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Eesti Loomeresidentuuride Võrgustik loodi 28. aprillil 2022. 11 asutajaliikmega. Praegu kuulub võrgustikku 17 liiget.

Estonian Creative Residencies Network was established on April 28, 2022 with 11 founding members. Currently, the network has 17 members.

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Tulekul / Coming up

Võrgustiku liikmete sündmused ja Avatud Kutsungid /

Events and Open Calls related to our network members.

  • online workshop "Emergency residencies"
    online workshop "Emergency residencies"
    T, 29. okt
    Online workshop
    29. okt 2024, 16:00 – 17:30
    Online workshop
    29. okt 2024, 16:00 – 17:30
    Online workshop
    Residency organizers in the SWAN, FAIRE and LOORE Networks are welcome to join us for an online workshop as a part of the Baltic Nordic Residency Forum
  • LOORE network meeting 2024/ Resilience
    LOORE network meeting 2024/ Resilience
    N, 21. nov
    21. nov 2024, 08:30 – 22. nov 2024, 15:30
    Narva, Joala 18, 20103 Narva, Eesti
    21. nov 2024, 08:30 – 22. nov 2024, 15:30
    Narva, Joala 18, 20103 Narva, Eesti
    Connect with fellow residency organizers from Estonia, the Baltic, and Nordic countries, and gain insights into the future of artist residencies. This two-day event is a fantastic opportunity to share knowledge, foster collaborations, and explore avenues that support the residencies.

Toetajad / Funded by


Eesti Loomeresidentuurid MTÜ


Estonia, Põlva maakond, Põlva vald, Viisli küla, Piirimäe, 64614


Evelyn Grzinich

Ukrainian Artists residencies project manager
Mari-Liis Rebane

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