12.-13.10.2023 @ MASSIA, Massiaru koolimaja, Häädemeeste vald, Pärnumaa.
For LOORE network members to get to know each other in a more informal way, to discuss and strengthen the network
To find out the visions of the network members regarding future of the network (short and long term)
12.10 The Eve 16-19 Arrivals, Collectively preparing dinner 19.30 Dinner
13.10 The Day
8- 8.45 Breakfast 9- 10 Intro do the Day + Reside/ Sustain presentation
10- 10.30 Tour around MASSIA
10.30- 12 Session I / Who i am and Why i am here? Moderated by Liene Jurgelane 12- 13 Lunch
13- 14.30 Session II / Important ongoings
14.30- 15 Paus 15-17 Session III / Strategies- how to implement network intentions. Moderated by Liene Jurgelane
17 Dinner snacks, Farewells / leavings Meeting was funded by Estonian Cultural Endowment (Visual and Applied Arts Endowment) / Projekti rahastas Eesti Kultuurkapital
