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4 questions- Maajaam

Between the hills and forests of the Otepää Highlands lies Maajaam. It is run by artists Timo Toots and Mari-Liis Rebane along with their families. Maajaam is a residency, but it is also the home and studio of artists Timo and Mari-Liis.

Timo Toots and Mari-Liis Rebane respond to Loore's questions:

What does it feel like to run a residency?

It feels good to be on the same wavelength with the brilliant people.

The most important thing to know about your residency?

Maajaam is mainly focused on technological art, and here you can use various equipment in two workshops. Maajaam has an interdisciplinary approach to the arts, and we consider a connection with nature to be important. We organize a couple of open calls per year, but we accept residency applications year-round if the artist finds their own funding for the residency. In the absence of funding, it's also possible to come to us for a combined residency, during which you can do volunteer work while practicing your art, conducting creative research, or simply gathering inspiration.

Why are you members of LOORE? 

We are founding members of LOORE and saw the need to share concerns and joys with other residency centers and to collectively shape cultural policy, which would help find greater support for residency centers in Estonia and create more opportunities for collaborative projects and exchanges of experience.

A mighty crab fulfills one of your wishes. What would you wish for?

We would like to see increased state support over time and the development of a well-thought-out strategy to support residency centers that bring cultural exchange to Estonia and enhance the competencies of artists and creative individuals. 

Wild Bits, Bodies drip in the forest, by Greg Orrom Swan, photo Epp Kubu

Wild Bits, Solar critters by Andreas Zißler, Fabian Lanzmaier, Klemens Kohlweis.

Uģis Albiņš at work, photo Nima Sarabi

Wild Bits, Needle in a haystack by Varvara & Mar, photo Gabriela Urm

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